Brigadier General Russell W. Volckmann

BG Russell W. Volckmann

Philippine Guerrilla Leader
and Special Forces Visionary (1911-1982)


BG Russell W. Volckmann was commissioned as an Infantry Officer from the U.S. Military Academy in 1934. After the fall of Bataan in 1942, he joined resistance forces on Luzon, and in late 1943 he was commanding the U.S. Armed Forces in the Philippines, North Luzon. A division-sized force of five regiments, his guerrillas supported GEN Douglas MacArthur’s return by attacking Japanese units retreating into mountainous redoubts.

In 1951 Volckmann authored FM 31-20: Operations Against Guerilla Forces, the seminal doctrinal foundation for U.S. Army unconventional operations.

During the Korean War, he planned and conducted partisan operations before assignment to the Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare. Working for BG Robert A. McClure, he wrote the basic doctrine and structure for Special Forces (SF), and championed its creation in the U.S. Army.

Promoted to BG in 1956, Volckmann served as the Assistant Division Commander for the 82nd Airborne Division before retiring in 1957. He passed away in 1982. BG Volckmann was posthumously inducted as a Distinguished Member of the SF Regiment in 2016. The legacy of BG Russell W. Volckmann resides in SF doctrine and organization.